Portrait of a kid
Portrait of a lady
Portrait of a girl dressed in Onake Obavva
Portrait of a girl dressed as old Indian village woman

Portrait of a boy dressed as Indiana tribe
Little girl with folding hands
Little girl with rising hands
Little girl looking straight

Portrait of a village girl smiling shots from Tamron 70-300 on Canon 30D
Portrait village girl smiling shots Tamron 70-300 on Canon 30D Processed
Portrait village girl smiling shots Tamron 70-300 on Canon 30D High key
Family members group photo Tamron 11-18 wide angle lens

Adiseshanaik and family
Kid portrait Orange colour dress from Canon 20D with 85/1.8 lens
kid holding ear ring with right hand portrait from Canon 85/1.8 lens on 20D
Kid smiling while posing to camera, portrait pic from Canon 85/1.8 lens

Portrait of kid from Canon 85/1.8 lens on 20D
Blue dressed girl child portrait from Canon 85/1.8 lens on 20D
Lady portrait with sun glasses with soft sun light
Baby girl vertical compo evening light

girl kid vertical portrait blue dress evening soft light
Portrait of a girl child in monochrome
Portrait of a lady wearing Voilet colour saree from Canon 20D with 85 1.8 lens

Girl posing for a portrait shooting
of a little girl sleeping to give pose for a photo shoot

Lekhana portrait orientation shot from Canon 85/1.8 lens on 30D
showing portrait shooting with two flashes in colour
technique for portrait using two flashes in black and white
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