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Steps at Udaigiri caves

Climbing up the Udayagiri hill

Caves and town script at Udayagiri

Vertical walls of Udaigiri

Two floors of caves at Udayagiri

Caves at Udayagiri

Cave entrance at Udayagiri

Khandagiri Jain temple near Bhubaneswar

Khandagiri hill

View of Khandagiri Jain temple from Udayagiri

Ganesh Gumpa or cave

Inside the single room type caves at Udayagiri

Rain water storage system at Udayagiri Caves

Udayagiri Caves

Two floor rock cut caves at Udayagiri

Two storyed caves with pillers

Swaragpuri-Manchapuri caves at Udayagiri

Art work on stone at Udayagiri

Entrance of Small caves at Khandagiri

Two floor caves at Udayagiri

Caves opening to a common place at Udayagiri

Single room caves in Udayagiri

Common Veranda of caves joining together

Two storied caves at Udayagiri

Caves opened towards a common space

Rooms are opened towards a Varenda

Inside the caves
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