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Priest holding the Kalasham on his head

Priest holding the Kalasham on his head

Women with locking at the mouth giving their offerings

Village dance during the festival

Village people gathering during the procession

Village people gathering during the procession

Village dance during the festival

Needle piercing the skin at the cheek of a person during the festival

Hitting the hands of a person with rope during the festival

Some marshal kind of fight during the festival

Some marshal kind of fight during the festival

some wrestling action during the festival

Breaking the coconut with stick during the festival

Breaking the coconut with stick during the festival

Needle piercing the skin at the cheek of a person during the festival

Breaking the coconut with the head during the festival

Hitting the hands of a person with rope during the festival

Hitting the hands of a person with rope during the festival

Needle piercing the skin at the waist of the priest during the festival

The heads of goats cut in the festival

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